Discuz! info: MySQL Query ErrorTime: 2006-2-21 1:02pm
Script: /index.php
SQL: SELECT s.sid, s.styleid, s.groupid='6' AS ipbanned, s.pageviews AS spageviews, s.lastolupdate, s.seccode, m.uid AS discuz_uid,
m.username AS discuz_user, m.password AS discuz_pw, m.secques AS discuz_secques, m.adminid, m.groupid, m.groupexpiry,
m.extgroupids, m.email, m.timeoffset, m.tpp, m.ppp, m.posts, m.digestposts, m.oltime, m.pageviews, m.credits, m.extcredits1, m.extcredits2, m.extcredits3,
m.extcredits4, m.extcredits5, m.extcredits6, m.extcredits7, m.extcredits8, m.timeformat, m.dateformat, m.pmsound,
m.sigstatus, m.invisible, m.lastvisit, m.lastactivity, m.lastpost, m.extcredits2 as slutmoney
, m.newpm, m.accessmasks
FROM cdb_sessions s, cdb_members m
WHERE m.uid=s.uid AND s.sid='rF421X' AND CONCAT_WS('.',s.ip1,s.ip2,s.ip3,s.ip4)='' AND m.uid='1'
AND m.password='5b12339c77c82145a5917457be1e6432' AND m.secques=''
Error: User 'leojoy710' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1600)
Errno.: 1226
Similar error report has beed dispatched to administrator before.
本来好好的~~突然就这样~~ User 'leojoy710' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource
最大查询数???? ?????????? 到底怎么了嘛~~ 当前用户 'leojoy710' 使用的资源已超过所允许的资源,重启数据库或重启服务器 那是什么